Friday, February 25, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 1

Welcome to our 40 Days in the Word blog!  We'll be looking at Biblical characters during our Lenten journey this year, based on the series The Chosen, which I encourage you to watch during Lent this year.  It's available on Amazon Prime or with a DVD from church or you can download the app and "cast" it to your TV via Roku or Apple TV.  And each day you'll receive a devotional reading from me from the 40 Days with Jesus, along with a song to enjoy.

It will be an awesome Lent this year when I hope you'll draw closer to Jesus, grow in your faith, and understand God's love for you even more deeply!

Please use the Comment section on this blog to make any comments or enter into some conversation - I'm hoping we can do that this Lent.

Here's the opening devotion:

And here's a beautiful song from Casting Crowns that I think you'll enjoy.  Beautiful words and song - the only scars in heaven because of what Jesus did for us on the cross!

 40 Days in the Word - Day 40! Today, our last day of these 40 Days in the Word, our theme word is Mission - to carry God's mission of l...