Thursday, March 31, 2022

40 Days in the Word - Day 27!

Today our theme word is Poor - as in Blessed are you poor, or blessed are the poor in spirit.  There were all kinds of poor people around Jesus, which caused the disciples some consternation because they wanted Jesus to be more Royal!  But Jesus kept the poor around him because they were ready to receive what He wanted to give.  That's such an important point - when we're poor and needy and helpless, we are ready to receive what Jesus wants to give.  So - may we be poor.  And may we receive!

Here's another great song that I know you'll enjoy - so sing along! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 26!

Today our theme is Blind Eye - as in the blind eye that the Pharisees turned when there was a man with a withered hand - they turned a blind eye.  Seeing that, Jesus chose to heal the man's hand, and give him his life and vitality back again.  It's so easy to turn a blind eye when we see need around us, and today's devotion is a good reminder to see those in need around us!

I hope you enjoy this song - What have I done to deserve love like this - by  Lauren Daigle.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 25!

Today our theme word is Rise - as in Rise, take up your pallet and walk.  It's a great devotion about the healing of the paralytic man who was lowered through the roof to see Jesus, when the crowds kept him away.  Jesus forgave his sins, and then healed him to show the power of his love.  Power, love, and grace, all in one!

And here's just an amazing version of Amazing Grace that I know you'll enjoy!

Monday, March 28, 2022

 40 Days of Prayer - Day 24!

Today our theme word is Trust - and it's the wrenching story of Jesus healing the leper.  It's a well written and fairly graphically descriptive devotion about how devastating it must have been to live with leprosy.  And still, Jesus touched - touched - the leper.  Wonderful devotion today - I hope you enjoy it!

And here's a wonderful song - He Already Sees the Rainbow.  Trust Jesus - because he already sees the rainbow.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 23!

Today our emphasis is on Relationship - as in God wants a relationship with you that's real and personal and is willing to go to the ends of the earth to search for you until you're found.  And that should cause us - like the one leper who returned to give thanks - to live lives of gratitude for all God has done for us.  This day, just begin and end the day with a prayer of gratitude for that relationship with our living and loving God!

And here's a wonderful version of You Raise Me Up by the Celtic Woman group.  Enjoy!

Friday, March 25, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 22! 

Today our theme is "All Y'All" and talks about Jesus at a dinner party where the Pharisees challenged the disciples of Jesus about who he was eating with - the scoundrels of society.  They thought it was beneath Jesus' dignity to eat with such riff-raff.  Jesus rebukes them, of course, and says that reaching out to the riff-raff was why he came - he came for all y'all!  And that's good news for us!

Here's a beautiful choral arrangement of the classic Pie Jesu by the Bel Canto Choir.  Enjoy the soprano voices in this beautiful song!

 40 Days in the Word - Day 21!

Today our theme is Useful - as in being useful to God by being filled with God.  And it's an important reminder that what God is looking for is not our ability, but for our availability - being available to be fill with God to share God.  We are vessels that are designed and created for the purpose of containing God!

And since I took this video in the Sunday School room with the "I Am A Child of God" theme behind me, this is a great song that also reminds us that "I Am A Child of God!"

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 20!

Well, we're halfway there through these 40 days!  And today our theme is Trust - Trust in the Lord to guide us and keep us.  In a time when there is so much untrustworthiness, trusting in Jesus becomes even more important!  And we'll hear about Matthew - the untrustworthy tax collector, who trusted Jesus and it changed his life!

And here's the Ukrainian Choir with the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra singing "Precious Lord, Take My Hand."  May God continue to be with these wonderful people!

40 Days in the Word - Day 19!

Today our theme is Worry.  Worry.  And we worry about so many things!  It's surprising how much the Bible has to say about worry, but we still worry!  Today I ask you in the video just to think of something you have worried about in the past, and after you got past it, you wondered why you worried.  Think about your worries today, and consider how you might give them over to God.

And here's a great, uplifting video from the Living Stones Quartet entitled, "Leave Your Heavy Burdens At The Cross."  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

40 Days in the Word - Day 18!

Today our emphasis is Emmanuel - God With Us.  And in the devotional reading we'll see how Jesus really brought that home in the story of the water turned into wine.  It's a great insight into how we can see the extraordinary in the ordinary things of life.

Here's Phil Wickham - His Name is Jesus.  Jesus - Emmanuel - God With Us.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 17!

Today our theme is Come and See - the original invitation from one disciple to another.  Come and see - come and meet Jesus.  It's a great theme to think about as Easter comes in a couple weeks!  Here's the video:

Here's a song we sing a lot at church - What a Beautiful Name.  Enjoy!

Friday, March 18, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 16!

Today our theme is Repent!  Those are the first words of John the Baptist, and some of the first words of Jesus.  And interestingly, it's the main reason Jesus came - to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven has come, so repent and believe.  Jesus kept the main thing the main thing.  So listen in and think about what it means to repent!

And I've loved this song for a long time - I Can Only Imagine.  Enjoy!

 40 Days in the Word - Day 15!

Today our word is Rock - as in your name is Peter, and upon this Rock I will build by church and the powers of hell will not prevail against it.  Peter - the premiere disciple - also had his issues, but today's devotion talks about a pre-Jesus and a post-Jesus Peter.  Very interesting!

Here's a great version of Jesus Paid It All by the Celtic Worship group.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 14!

Today our theme is Boldness!  Boldness!  I've been a Lutheran all my life, and I don't think most Lutherans are known for their boldness!  But that's what Jesus calls for.  Listen in and see what you think!

And here's a great song - It Is Well - a little different from what we're used to, but I love the song!

 40 Days in the Word - Day 13!

Today our devotional emphasis is on Authority - the authority Jesus has to save and redeem us.  It's an interesting and important topic/theme that we probably don't think about very often, but is pretty fundamental in our faith journey, so listen in and think about the role of authority in your life!

And by the authority of Jesus we have been redeemed - so listen in to the song, "I Am Redeemed!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 12!

Today our theme is Rejection - as Jesus was rejected at his home town synagogue when he stood up to read at the church service, and said that the reading was fulfilled in their hearing.  Rejected by the people he grew up with - must have been quite the feeling for Jesus!

And though he was rejected, he was and is my Redeemer - so listen in to the song by Nicole Mullen - My Redeemer Lives!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 11!

Welcome to Day 11!  Our theme today is Proclaim - and how Jesus went into the synagogue to proclaim liberty to the captives, good news to the poor, and proclaim the years of the Lord's favor.  Think about each of those - good things to proclaim!

And here's a great song - Above All - we've sung it at Zion before, but not for a while!

Friday, March 11, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 10!

We're one quarter of the way through our 40 days - and today the theme is Tested.  Jesus was tested - the disciples were tested - we are tested.  But through this kind of testing we can come through with a deeper, more committed faith.  Tested.  Listen in:

Here's a song about testing - Blessed Be Your Name - throughout whatever life deals us, whenever we are tested, blessed be the name of the Lord!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 9!

Today our theme is Reset - based on that weird New Testament guy, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus in somewhat of an unorthodox way!  Enjoy the devotion and think of how your life has been reset!  

And here's a song sung by Mercy Me - There Is a Fountain.  

 40 Days in the Word - Day 8!

Our theme today is Hope and an "interview" with Elizabeth.  Hope is what I really think we all need right now so it is a good theme!  Here's the video:

And along with Hope comes Faithfulness, so here's the Maranatha Singers with "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 7!

Today's theme is Doubt - and an "interview" with Zechariah about when John the Baptist was conceived.  Doubt will also be the theme of Sunday's sermon when we talk about trusting the Bible.

And here's one of my favorite Lent songs, El Shaddai.

Monday, March 7, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 6!

I love today's theme of Redemption and the 1-2-3 pattern that the devotion talks about.  Jonah, Noah, and Jericho - there's a pattern of redemption here that is fascinating.  I hope you enjoy the reading!

And here's Natalie Grant and The Tenors to sing beautifully Amazing Grace.  Enjoy!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 5!

Sundays don't count in the 40 Days of Lent, so we're on day 5 - Monday through Saturday daily blogs, reading from the devotional book from The Chosen!  Today's word is Renegade!  Listen in:

And here's a wonderful Celtic Worship rendition of In Christ Alone.  I think you'll enjoy it!

Friday, March 4, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 4!

Here is Day 4 - and it's Saturday, so it may be a quiet day for you, or a busy day to catch up on many things.  In the midst of it all, pause during Lent with these videos, listen to the song, and just grow into a closer walk with your Savior.  Here's the video:

And here's a wonderful song called Be Still - by the Living Stones Quartet.  An important reminder just to be still, be still, and know God.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

40 Days in the Word - Day 3!

Today our theme word is Represent!  Representing Jesus and the way he has transformed our lives.  I hope you're enjoying these daily videos and that they're helpful to you during this Lenten journey!

And enjoy this song by Casting Crowns entitled Who Am I?

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 2!

Welcome back to Day 2!  Today our devotional reading is about Deliverance - being delivered from sin, death, and the power of the devil.  Yesterday on Ash Wednesday we experienced that deliverance and forgiveness and today we move forward - like Mary Magdalene did in our reading.  Here's the video devotion:

And No Longer Slaves is one of my favorite songs - once you've been delivered, you're no longer a slave to fear or sin!  Listen in and sing along:  

 40 Days in the Word - Day 40! Today, our last day of these 40 Days in the Word, our theme word is Mission - to carry God's mission of l...