Friday, April 15, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 40!

Today, our last day of these 40 Days in the Word, our theme word is Mission - to carry God's mission of love and redemption to all with whom we come in contact!  I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in worship tomorrow on Easter Sunday, or I hope you can listen in to our online service - it should be a spectacular day!  Today just take some quiet time and reflect on these past 40 Days in the Word, the Season of Lent, the Crosses of Lent, and how you might have grown in your relationship with Jesus - and how you are called to be On Mission in all you say and do!  Blessings to you, and thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

And what a better way to end this journey than with Handel's Hallelujah Chorus!  Enjoy!  See you in church tomorrow for Easter Sunday!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 39!

Today our theme word is Wellspring, like the water given to the woman at the well at high noon in Samaria.  It's so interesting that in this unlikely meeting that Jesus would first reveal himself to a woman, to a Samaritan, and not to his disciples.  Yes, he made reference to it with others, but he is explicit for the first time here.  Yes, Jesus is the Messiah - the One sent to die on the cross.  That's so important to always remember, but especially today, on Good Friday.

Though the cross is about Jesus giving himself for us, it is also through the cross that He raises us up.  A good time to listen to this wonderful song - You Raise Me Up.  Sing along! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 38!

Today our theme word is Wolves - as in Jesus is sending us out and reminding us to be aware of false prophets who come to us in sheep's clothing, but actually they are wolves seeking to devour us.  And today is also Maundy Thursday, where we gather for the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples to remind them that he came to serve, and not to be served.  Anything that we hear that draws us away from that servanthood of Jesus is a word from a wolf - so beware!  And keep ever and always, close to Jesus!

Our song today is Listen To Our Hearts by Casting Crowns.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 37!

Today our theme word is Created - as in "We are God's Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  Because we are made in God's image to dream, create, serve, love, and walk in the things that God prepared beforehand for us to do.  And that's such a wonderful thing to remember, especially this Wednesday in Holy Week!

Here's a great song I think you'll enjoy:  I Speak Jesus!

Monday, April 11, 2022

40 Days in the Word - Day 36! 

Our theme today is Set Free, Part 2!  And Jesus heals another woman who had been ill with a flow of blood for 12 years.  She had been to doctor after doctor, and nothing worked and she continued with that malady.  In one of the very interesting parts of the story of Jesus, she just touched the hem of his garment and she was set free, because Jesus felt that power had gone out from him.  A fascinating story and a great devotion!

And, though a few days early, here's an Easter Hallelujah that I think you'll enjoy!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 35!

Today our theme word is Set Free, Part 1 - Jesus heals a woman who was bent over for 18 years and could not stand straight.  Perceiving her need to be set free, Jesus did just that, and tells her that she is one of God's chosen ones, and that he came to set us free.  Us - meaning yes, you and me - are set free!

And this song fits well with our theme today:  Chris Tomlin - I lift my hands.

Friday, April 8, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 34!

Our theme word today is Precious - as in Precious in His sight are those who believe in Him.  And precious in his sight are the children who come to him, with bright eyes and open hearts.  That's what Jesus calls forth in us - an openness to what he has to teach us.  Enjoy the devotion today!

And our song for today is Even If by MercyMe.  Enjoy!. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 33! 

Today our theme word is Perceive.  As in being able to perceive the light in the midst of the darkness of this world.  Kind of like a park ranger with a large flashlight to lead you in a deep forest campground, the light of Jesus leads us through this dark world.  We just need to be able to perceive it!  

And our song today is by Casting Crowns - The only scars in heaven.  It's a wonderful new song!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 32!

Today our theme word is Believe - and Promise - and Covenant - the kind of promise and covenant that God gives us in Jesus, and asks us to believe in him.  Because God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  That's the promise - the covenant - that we're asked to believe.  Great devotion today!

And our song today is I Feel Jesus - Holy Ground by Steven Mactezume.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 31!

Today our theme word is Power - as in the power that Nicodemus had over the Jewish people to follow everything he interpreted from the Old Testament for them to do.  The Sanhedrin (Jewish Supreme Court) dictated what people could and couldn't do down to the most minute detail!  But somehow the heart of Nicodemus was warmed to Jesus, who saw Jesus' humility as the real power that he wanted in his life.  It's one of those great and grand reversals of Scripture!

And here's something you probably haven't heard before - Amazing Grace played on 200 bagpipes!  Enjoy - even if you don't enjoy bagpipes!

Monday, April 4, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 30!

10 days left in our 40 Days in the Word devotions!  And our theme word today is Light - the light that shines in the darkness that the darkness could not overcome.  The light that Nicodemus avoided when he came to Jesus.  The light that Jesus is in our lives, giving us guidance that wakes us from our slumber.  Enjoy!

And "I Can Only Imagine" is a very familiar song, and I think it's a great time to listen to it again!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 29!

Today our theme word is Presence - Part 2!  Continuing from yesterday, Jesus explains more about the sabbath rubbing grain and eating, and explains more about the connection to King David eating the Bread of the Presence.  And today's devotion calls for us to put aside everything that would cause us to miss the presence of God in our lives.  Good devotion!

And here's a wonderful song by Alisa Turner - This is my prayer for you.

Friday, April 1, 2022

 40 Days in the Word - Day 28!

Today our theme word is Presence - Part 1.  And the Gospel reading is about Jesus and his disciples getting in trouble with the Pharisees for rubbing grain in their hands on the Sabbath, which put the Pharisees through the roof!  And Jesus responds with the first part of an elaborate argument about why it was OK for his disciples to do that.  God's Presence - Part 1.  Stay tuned for Part 2 on Day 29!

And here's a wonderful song entitled "I will rescue you" by Lauren Daigle.  Enjoy!

 40 Days in the Word - Day 40! Today, our last day of these 40 Days in the Word, our theme word is Mission - to carry God's mission of l...